Requiem for the USOC
In case you’ve missed the news this offseason, the venerable US Open Cup is on life support. Things have been rocky for the 110 year old tournament since Major League Soccer announced its plan to send reserve / MLS Next Pro teams to compete this year in lieu of the mostly-backup squads its teams usually field. This set off a firestorm of dueling press releases and then radio silence.
The Northern Guard Doesn’t Understand What “SG” Means
A group of grown adults is mad online (and in person, I guess) because they aren’t allowed to display the F-word on the clothing they wear out in public to sporting event. Why? Because they've forgotten the entire reason a "supporters group" exists.
The New Capital of American Soccer
Deep down, you already knew this was the case. You knew it in 2016 the first time you walked into an FC Cincinnati match and saw 10,000+ people walking into a college football stadium to watch division 3 soccer. Now, in 2021, it’s crystal clear: Cincinnati is the soccer capital of America.
We're in Hell Right Now
We’re in hell right now, everyone, believe me. And, we can stay here -- get the **** kicked out of us -- or we can fight our way back into the light. We can climb outta hell one inch at a time.
Ranking the Bullshit Soccer Streaming Services
This past weekend, we all welcomed the Premier League back into our lives after an off-season that seemed shorter than an average Yuya Kubo possession. And, for the first time, we’re going to be treated to a full season of top-quality matches hidden behind the paywall on NBC’s new streaming service: Peacock.
15K+ Tickets Sold Proves Anthony Precourt Was Right All Along
A hero is willing to take the criticism and fend off the doubters along the way; because a true goddamn hero understands that a righteous outcome is its own reward. Think about people in our own society who that description applies to: Ghandi, the Dalai Lama, Joe Rogan. Now add a new name to that list: Anthony Precourt.
Stop being a Cincinnati Sports Fan For One Goddamn Second About Jurgen Locadia
The Loca Grumbling has already started. You know you’ve seen it. The talk that his inability to finish and score goals is a permanent thing. That he has lost his game because he signed in Cincinnati and that’s what happens to people here. Maybe you are one of the people doing this grumbling. In which case this blog is for you.