Cincy PostCast
Weekly episodes to keep you, let’s call it, “informed” on all things FC Cincinnati. Match reactions, news, analysis, drama, and the occasional guest that clearly never googled us before agreeing to come on. Find the fight button on Twitter and join a couple of other fans in listening to Kevin, Chief War Pig, Grayson, and other contributors.
What is The Post?
Sports are supposed to be fun. Soccer is fun. Soccer can be funny, even hilarious. The Post is a fan-run outlet that treats the world’s game as it should be: like it’s fun.
Yes, the post sometimes has “hard news”, with a great track record of breaking news about FC Cincinnati and soccer in Cincinnati. But it’s also true The Post will publish joke articles and not take itself seriously. And isn’t that sports? It’s fun and pointless and frivolous and yet it can also matter a great deal.
Should you take The Post seriously? Well you should probably know the folks behind The Post don’t take it too seriously. But, we (probably) won’t lie to you. We will promise you that.